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PTA Membership

  • Why is PTA Membership so vital?

    PTA membership is very vital for the school as well as for the children and community.  Your membership helps support PTA related activities, i.e., movie night, carnivals, teacher appreciation, additional school supplies for all grades and students, etc.  It also helps to reach out to your community.  PTA is a membership driven association; people join PTA to show support of the work you do locally and the work we do collectively to help children, families and the school.  

    Everyone who joins PTA - not only do you help your child, but every child.  Just imagine how strong our community and school can be if every single parent joined PTA?  

    Being a PTA member is just not paying a membership fee that goes towards supplies and to help the school.  Its much more than that.  Being a PTA member you give the child and other children a voice as well as help other children around you.  Your PTA membership also gives back to the community as well as supports your school and helps children thrive.

    If you are unable to volunteer your time, please consider becoming a member of the PTA and give your financial support.  You will have the satisfaction of knowing that your support helps fund events and activities for the children throughout the year! 


  • Who Can Join PTA?  

    Everyone can be a PTA Member.  You do not have to have children in school to belong to the PTA.  Anyone who cares about children can join the association.  As supporters, it is important that we have a voice in the decision-making process relating to the laws and regulations.  You can have a voice through the PTA.  Every child needs you.  All parents, Aunts, Uncles, Grandparents, Neighbors are eligible to be a member of the PTA.  Anything helps.    

    Don't have the time?

    If you are unable to support the PTA with time, would you at least consider giving your financial support so that all the people working in the PTA know that you too are with us?  You will have the satisfaction of knowing your money is helping as your PTA develops programs and activities that benefit not only your children, but all children and youth who could use your help!


    You may obtain membership forms at

    If you are interested in joining the PTA and want to know how, please contact the Terminal Park PTA at

    credited by:  Washington State PTA