• Sylvan's Book Adventure

      Online signup required.  Students read books, take quizzes, and earn prizes.  Available year round, but good for AR practice during the summer.
    • Barnes & Noble

      Barnes & Noble Summer Reading
      Participation is a fun and easy way for kids to earn free books. They simply read a designated number of books – library books, books borrowed from friends or books bought at Barnes & Noble – write about their favorite part in our Reading Journal, and bring a completed Reading Journal to a Barnes & Noble bookstore. Children then choose their free book from the books listed on the Reading Journal and collect their free book from a store near them during July and August. 
      Enjoy reading!
    • Half Priced Books

      Feed Your Brain Summer Reading Program
    • Chuck E. Cheese's

      Available year round.  Rewards are also available for behaviors, choose the "Reading Rewards" calendar for reading.
      Download and print out a calendar.
      Mark the days off with a pen or sticker as your child accomplishes their goals.
      Bring in the completed calendars to Chuck E. Cheese's and receive 10 free tokens as a reward.