- West Auburn High School
- Principal
West Auburn High School401 West Main | Auburn, WA 98001 | (253) 931-4990
August 2023
Dear West Auburn Students and Parents:
The first day of school is fast approaching. We hope your summer has given you time to enjoy the weather, spend time with loved ones and relax. On behalf of West Auburn High School staff, I welcome you to the 2023-2024 school year! We look forward to partnering with you to set and attain your educational goals. This letter contains important information; be sure to read the entire letter.
I am honored to continue to serve West this year in a new role as the Principal. My goal is to ensure every student at West has access to a high-quality educational experience that is grounded in trusting and supportive relationships. Thank you for placing your trust in our staff and for sharing your incredible students with us. Our staff take what we do seriously and deliver daily on behalf of our students. They never cease to impress me in their care, devotion, and creativity in meeting our students’ needs. I am at your service, so please don't hesitate to reach out and share how we can partner to achieve success.
The first day of school is Wednesday, September 6th. This is a required attendance day. If you do not attend school during the first week you will be withdrawn and will be required to re-enroll. This may impact access to preferred program and classes.
You will pick up your schedule in the commons on the first day before going to first period. All students (Day Program, Hybrid, and Virginia Cross), will report to their respective program according to the schedule provided below.
Program Report Time
Day School: 9th Grade ONLY 7:55am
Day School and Hybrid 10-12th Grade 11:55am*
Virginia Cross 10:00am
*Transportation will be running 4 hrs. later for grades 10-12th. Any upperclassmen who want to come early to help with 9th Grade Orientation are Welcome!
If you plan to attend another school during the 2023-24 year, please contact our office to let us know where you will be attending. Students who attend West Auburn on a waiver from another district must complete a new waiver request for the current school year. This must be completed before the first day of school.
Please join us for our Open House on Wednesday, September 27th from 6:00-7:30pm.
Here’s to a fantastic year! Every day we are closer to GRADUATION for EACH Student! From Here, It is Possible!
Andrea Love