• School-wide Title 1


    Dick Scobee Elementary


    “At Dick Scobee Elementary we empower student to learn- no excuses!”


    Dick Scobee Elementary and the Title 1 program recognize that children have successful educational experiences when families and teachers work together to assist and support the children in their academic endeavors. The following are ways that Title 1 works in partnership with the parents to promote the educational success of the students. 

    Communication/School Climate: Communication is a key element in the building of the parent/school partnership. All students at Dick Scobee Elementary benefit from our school-wide Title 1 reading support. All students may have the opportunity to use quality reading materials purchased with Title 1 funds. Title 1 allows for smaller class size during Skill Group time and or What I Need Group time for all grade levels. 

    A School-wide Title 1 Student Learning Plan and Compact is sent home each fall with all students. At this time, parents are asked to commit to ways they will be able to help their children at home. Throughout the course of the year newsletters, telephone calls, emails, small group progress cards, will be available at Open House, and conferences are provided to ensure school/parent communication. 

    Parent Education: 

    Parenting requires continuing support to assist children’s educational needs. Open House and Parent Nights are offered throughout the course of the year. These programs offer many suggestions of ways parents can help their children at home. Newsletters contain suggestions for assisting their children in a variety of ways. Parent conferences also allow the time for parents to receive assistance in how to support their children’s learning. 

    Involvement in School

    Parent involvement is encouraged and fostered at Dick Scobee. The Dick Scobee Elementary School-wide Title 1 program has an open-door policy. Parents are welcome to come and observe their children during small group Instruction for all grades. To help enhance this involvement, the reading room is open for visitation during parent conference week. Feel free to stop by and see first hand what kinds of things your children are learning at school and how you can support this at home. 

    Learning at Home: 

    The Title 1 program encourages students to practice their skills at home with the help of their parents. Students are encouraged to participate in the school wide reading programs. Teachers send homework that supports the reading and math curriculum. 

    Parent Input

    Parents will have an opportunity to indicate activities that they feel would be helpful to them in helping their children at home. At the end of the year, parents are surveyed to evaluate Title 1 support for reading and math and plan for the next school year. 

    Extended Learning Opportunities: 

    All extended learning opportunities are dependent on Title 1 funding. Opportunities may include before or after school programs students. Summer School program for students at selected grades may be offered. You will receive information on such opportunities, as funds are made available. 


    Please feel free to stop by, email or call if you have any questions. We can be reached at ljohnson@auburn.wednet.edu or btianco@auburn.wednet.edu

    Thank you,

    Lindsey Johnson and Blessy Tianco - Title Reading Specialists