• Olweus

    Lea Hill has a no tolerance policy when it comes to Bullying!
    All staff and students at Lea Hill

    have been trained to use the Olweus Bullying
    Prevention Program

    Lea Hill has developed a set of school rules (below) that are used by all
    students and staff.
    Everyone takes a pledge (below) to stand
    up against bullying.
    Teachers host host classroom meetings throughout the year
    on various topics.  

    Students are recognized and nominated for
    their efforts to support others against bullying.
    Staff has developed a rubric (below) in which bullying behavior can be

    dealt with in a productive manner.
    We learn to intervene in a supportive manner. 

    School Rules Against Bullying

    We will not bully others.
    We will help students who are bullied.
    We will include students who are easily left out.
    When we know someone is being bullied, we will tell an adult.

    Lea Hill's Bully Prevention Pledge

    Our team…….is a courage team

    Our team…….stands together
    Our team…….won’t bully others

    Our team…….helps students who are bullied
    Our team…….includes students who are left out

    Our team…….will tell an adult

    Our team…….bands together against bullies

    Our team…….is a courage team
    I pledge to band against bullying.

    Bullying Discipline Rubric


    First Time

    Second Time

    Third Time

    Fourth Time

    Teasing:  name-calling, insulting, or other behavior
    that would make someone feel bad about themselves.

    Exclusion:  starting rumors, telling others not to be
    friends with someone, or other actions that would cause someone to be without

    Written warning on the discipline referral sheet.  Reflection
    paper.  Miss lunch recess until reflection paper is done. 

    Reflection paper.  Miss lunch recess until reflection paper
    is done.  Student calls parent.  Teacher fills out discipline referral. 

    Reflection paper.  Miss lunch recess until reflection paper
    is done.  Student calls parent.  After school detention.  Teacher fills out
    discipline referral. 

    Student calls parent.  Reflection paper.  Suspension. 
    Teacher fills out discipline referral.  Develop an individual

    Hitting:  pushing, slapping, grabbing.

    Reflection paper.  Miss lunch recess until reflection paper
    is done.  Student calls parent.  Teacher fills out discipline referral.

    Reflection paper.  Miss lunch recess until reflection paper
    is done.  Student calls parent.  Miss 2 more recesses after reflection paper is
    done.  Teacher fills out discipline referral. 

    Reflection paper.  Miss lunch recess until reflection paper
    is done.  Student calls parent.  Miss 4 more recesses after reflection paper is
    done.  After school detention.  Teacher fills out discipline referral.  Develop
    an individual plan.

    Student calls parent.  Reflection paper.  Suspension.  Parent
    provides immediate pick-up.  Teacher fills out discipline referral. 

    Severe hitting:  punching, kicking, other behavior
    that may injure others.

    Threat of serious violence

    Harassment:  racial, ethnic, sexual name-calling, or
    other severe harassment.

    Reflection paper.  Miss lunch recess until reflection paper
    is done.  Student calls parent.  Teacher fills out discipline referral. 

    Reflection paper.  Miss lunch recess until reflection paper
    is done.  Student calls parent.  Miss 4 more recesses after reflection paper is
    done.  After school detention.  Teacher fills out discipline referral. 

    Reflection paper.  Student calls parent.  In school
    suspension.  Teacher fills out discipline referral.  Develop an individual

    Student calls parent.  Reflection paper.  Out of school
    suspension.  Parent provides immediate pick-up.  Teacher fills out discipline