- Auburn Mountainview High School
- Football
- Information For Parents
2015 Spring Football Parent/Player Meeting
Frequently Asked QuestionsMore to Come!Do you make cuts?
No. If you are here in August for Training Camp, you will make the team. The only time a kid gets “cut” is if he does not meet the expectations of an Auburn Mountainview football player. This does not apply to incoming ninth graders - incoming ninth graders are allowed to come out for football until the second week of the school year.
What about injuries?One of the biggest myths about football is that every boy will be hurt.
One research project by DeLee and Farney found that the incidence of injury among Texas high school football players was 0.506 injuries per athlete per year. (DeLee JC, Farney WC: Incidence of injury in Texas high school football. Am J Sports Med 1992;20(5):575-580.)
It is a fact that, in my last three years here, I have seen more casts and crutches from snowboarding or motorcycling than from football.
More research shows that during the past 15 years, there has been an average of 34 deaths per year among skiers and snowboarders. During 1999-2000 seasons, 30 fatalities occurred.
(Wilderness Medicine Letter, Volume 19,Number 2, Spring 2002)
By Bob Condotta and Sandy Ringer
Seattle Times Staff Reporters
September 14, 2004
“Playing football is probably safer than kids getting in a car and driving on the highway,” said Dr. Frederick Mueller, who heads the National Center for Catastrophic Sport Injury Research at the University of North Carolina. Statistically, anyway, there’s no comparison. According to numbers compiled by Mueller’s center, the death rate for football players at the high-school level last year was 0.13 per 100,000 (there were no deaths last year in college football). The death rate for male drivers between the ages of 15 and 24 years old, meanwhile, is 48.2 per 100,000, according to numbers published in 2001 by the University of Maryland Medical Center. “What I don’t want people to do is all of a sudden stop playing football,” said Dr. Richard Ellenbogen, the chief of neurosurgery at Harborview Medical Center and the University of Washington. “It’s dangerous, but so is riding a bike, driving a car and simply living.” Mueller’s numbers indicate, in fact, that per 100,000 participants, football has a lower death rate than hockey, gymnastics, lacrosse and baseball, and much lower than competitive skiing. Football had a serious injury rate of 0.73, third-highest below hockey (1.29) and gymnastics (1.15).
Because we will have injuries in our football program, we have a certified Athletic Trainer here on campus at all practices. She is the first one to see our athletes that become injured. She also travels to our games to serve our students.
Both the Football Coaches and Athletic Trainer work hands on daily to communicate about injuries. Injuries are documented and tracked for the best possible care we can give our players.
What about family vacations?
We encourage family vacations during the summer. Your child will not be disciplined for if he misses parts of our Summer Program. Some examples of when we excuse players from our summer program – family vacation, a mission trip, participating in another football camp. We ask that all family vacations are finished before our Training Camp begins. It is imperative that your son is here during Training Camp, as missing mandatory football practices will affect participation in games.
Family is important! Family vacations are important. Here I am with my wife in New Zealand - still wearing our Auburn Mountainview gear!