- Auburn Mountainview High School
- AMHS Counselors
Counseling Center
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The AMHS Counselors and Staff
Counseling Office contact information:
Counseling Office: 253-804-4548
Counseling Office fax: 253-876-2508
Registrar: 253-804-5194
- Counseling
Showing results for "Professor named Smith at Elementary School" |
- Clarice Brux
- Maya Palominos
We have several ways to get in touch with your AMHS counselor.
1. Send them an Email.
The AMHS Counselors utilize their email accounts all day. Sometimes their response time is quick, other times their response may be delayed. But, don't worry, they will get back to you! AMHS students should use their school email accounts to connect with their counselors. ASD accounts have security permissions to links, Google Meets, Google Forms, and other school technology using your ASD student email accounts.
2. Visit them In-person by Appointment.
Counselor appointments are scheduled through their Calendly.com page. Once on their webpage, you can select a time and date that works best for you. When you “Confirm” your appointment time, you will be directed to another page and asked for additional information regarding your appointment. Be sure to complete all the questions asked and click on “Schedule Event”. This will add the appointment to your Counselor’s calendar. Students will be emailed a confirmation upon submitting the request and 30 minutes prior to their appointment time. This confirmation email is to be used as your pass out of class. Please remember your appointment if you do not receive a pass. If you miss your appointment, you will have to reschedule.
3. Visit with them Virtually.
Our Counselors will gladly meet virtually with students and parents. You will need to make an appointment with them through their Calendly.com link. Select a date and time. Once you confirm your choice, you will be directed to another page to enter your name and contact information. You can select a Virtual Meeting and "Schedule {your} Event". You will be emailed a confirmation and a reminder of your scheduled appointment that includes the Google Meeting link.
AMHS students are assigned a Counselor by their last name. You can see who your counselor is below.
AMHS Counselors
A-C Miss Karla Motta
Schedule an appointment
D-Ir Mrs. Sharon Wright
Schedule an appointment
Is-Moh Mrs. Melissa Lemanski
Schedule an appointment
Moi-San Mrs. Megan Hebner (Serna)
Schedule an appointment
Sao-Z Miss Sara Brauner
Schedule an appointment