- Auburn High School
- Robotics Tread (CB)
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Robotics Tread (CB) (Trojan Robotics, Engineering, Design)
Room: 500
TREAD (Trojan Robotics Engineering Art & Design) is Auburn High's FIRST Robotics Team. We meet as a club on Tuesdays and Thursdays to learn about robotics, programming, manufacturing, business, graphic design and more. We are looking for members that want to be involved and make a difference in their community through service and outreach projects. Students may earn a Varsity Letter and are eligible for over $80,000,000 in scholarships. No experience is necessary, we have coaches and mentors to help you learn and grow your skills.
Meetings every Tuesday and Thursdays
Robotics Advisors: Mr. Chris Zawlisak & Colleen Hazel, David Berry