- Auburn High School
- Club Information
Page Navigation
- Activities Home
- Club Information
- Anime
- Art Club
- Asian Cultural Club
- AUTO-Skills USA (CB)
- Black Student Union (CS)
- Book Club
- Crocheting & Knitting Circle (CS)
- Culinary Arts (CB & CS)
- DECA (CB & CS)
- Drama Club (CB)
- Dungeons & Dragons Club
- Filipino Club
- First Nations Club
- Floral Club (CB & CS)
- Guitar Club
- Homework Club
- Jewelry Design Club
- Key Club (CS)
- Latinx Club
- Math Club
- Melee Gaming Club
- METALS - Skills USA (CB & CS) (Welding)
- National Honor Society (CS)
- Pacific Islander Club
- Psychology & Mental Health Club
- Robotics Tread (CB)
- Scholarship Club
- Sisters of Medusa
- Speech & Debate
- Unified Sports
- Yearbook - Auburn Invader (CB)
2022-2023 Clubs at AHS
(CB) Curriculum Based - Membership is contingent on enrollment in the course.
(CS) Clubs offering community service
Lona Graves lgraves@auburn.wednet.edu
Kelly Jensen kjensen@auburn.wednet.edu
Diana Ramirez (Administrative Assistant ASB/Athletics) dramirezperez@auburn.wednet.edu
Debbie Sumner (ASB Bookkeeper/Cashier) dsumner@auburn.wednet.edu (253.931.4895)
Can't find a club for you? Create one!
If you are a student with an interest, a curiosity, or has a passion and want to share it with others you can start a club at AHS. Here’s how:
You need another student who is interested, curious, and/or shares a passion similar to yours.
Find an advisor (adult) who can provide your club some guidance and a space to meet safely. This can happen both in brick and mortar and/or a virtual setting.
Contact Ms. Kelly Jensen or Ms. Lona Graves