• January 2014

    Congratulations to FTC 5953 Roarbotics
    for their 1st place finish with the
    Mindbot Maniacs of Auburn and the Britbots of Sammamish.

    January 2014

    Congratulations to the robotics team, FTC 5953 Roarbotics, for its first place finish at the FTC Interleague Championship with the Mindbot Maniacs of Auburn and the Britbots of Sammamish. They also received the Connect Award for their outstanding community outreach. The FTC team will now move on to State Championships in two weeks.  Go Lions!

    The FTC robot is the smaller 18"x18"x18" bot that plays on a 14'x14' field.  This team is made up of students from our high school and three students from Rainier Middle School.  Our alliance partners included students from Mt. Baker High School (Mindbot Maniacs). 


    The team was also a finalist for two other awards, the Inspire Award (best overall team) and the Motivate Award (teamwork and team spirit).