• Auburn Riverside Theatre

  • Auburn Riverside Theatre (ART)
    501 Oravetz Road SE, Auburn WA 98092
     The ART is a cozy, 400-seat theatre adjacent to Roegner Park along the Stuck River. It is owned by the Auburn School District and was constructed in 1995 as part of Auburn Riverside Senior High School. The venue is an excellent concert space and provides an intimate 'living room' atmosphere, which works especially well for business meetings and small concerts.

    Bookings are available year-round for professional and community groups and events.


    Contact Carol Smetheram 253-931-4827 or e-mail: CSmetheram@auburn.wednet.edu 

  •  Auburn Riverside Theatre Facility & Rental Information  Maps & Directions to the Auburn Riverside Theatre
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    To provide a safe and technically proficient venue that facilitates arts education,
    the region's rich and ethnically diverse communities and indigenous performing organizations,
    and major arts institutions which contribute to the cultural vitality of our region. 
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