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Preschool/Early Learning in the Auburn School District

The ASD offers a variety of learning opportunities for preschool-age students.

Early Childhood Education Assistance Program (ECEAP)—Free comprehensive preschool and family service program funded by the state of Washington. Eligible children are: aged 3-4 years by August 31 and live in households facing more significant challenges (or with identified risk factors) for school.

Developmental Preschool/Peer Model (ECE)—This program is an engaging preschool option designed to allow tuition-paying students from the Auburn community opportunities to play and learn alongside their peers with developmental disabilities. Each class is taught by a special education teacher and consists of rich, developmentally appropriate instruction focused on the whole child.

Transition to Kindergarten (TK)—Full-day program for students who will be 4 years old by August 31 and have been determined to benefit from additional preparation for kindergarten. Eligibility for the program will be determined based on screening of student/family risk factors, including family income and prior access to formal preschool opportunities.      

Visit our preschool website or call 253-931-4927 for more information about preschool in the Auburn School District.