• ParentSquare FAQ

    ParentSquare FAQ

  • What is ParentSquare?

  • How does ParentSquare work?

  • How is my communication managed?

  • Can I access communications for more than one of my students from the same account?

  • What types of messages will I get?

  • How do I contact the school or teacher?

  • How can I receive content in my preferred language?

  • I am not receiving text messages. How do I fix this?

  • What are the message/alert/notification categories, and what do they mean?

  • My email is correct in ParentSquare. Why am I not receiving emails?

  • How do I change my password?

  • Can I change the email and/or cell phone number on my account?

  • I am getting too many messages from ParentSquare. Is it possible to receive fewer notifications?

  • I've received an invalid registration link. What should I do?