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Frequently Asked Questions about Auburn School District's Professional Learning Community (PLC) Late StartsWhy does Auburn School District have a one hour "late start" schedule for Professional Learning Communities (PLCs)?Auburn School District strives to improve student learning for all students. In order for teachers to develop assessments and instructional strategies to reach all learners, the school district designates time to allow for teachers at all grade levels and across schools to collaborate. To implement this time, the school district designates a one hour late start on specific Mondays throughout the school year, where students will arrive and start school one hour late. Breakfast and lunch services continue to be available for students. Buses run one hour late on the designated Mondays.Is breakfast and lunch provided for students?Yes. Students may access the breakfast and lunch services from their schools by either qualifying for free/reduced lunch and breakfast or by payment.Do the buses run one hour late?Yes. School buses pick up students at their regular bus stops, one hour later than their regular schedule.What do teachers do during the one-hour late starts of PLC?National research supports that teachers working in collaboration with one another to improve student learning results in more learning for all students. Teachers work in grade level or content teams by subject area to identify common agreements on what all students should know and be able to do as a result of a class or course; develop common assessments to measure student progress on those standards; identify students that need additional time and support; and identify options for students that have already met the standards. Teaching is generally an isolated profession throughout the nation and Auburn School District is working to improve student learning by developing a more collaborative culture.Whom do I call if I have specific questions about what my student's school is doing?Call the building principal at your child's school.Where can parents and other interested parties review the goals, objectives, and measures of effectiveness regarding this program?Professional Learning Communities (PLC) are a research-based model for collaboration. The District Strategic Improvement Plan identified specific goals and objectives for measuring the district's progress in improving student learning. Additional information on professional learning communities can be found -here- (educational resources).When does the one hour PLC late starts begin in Auburn?PLC late starts begin in Auburn School District schools at the end of September and continues through May.I have an elementary-age student that may need child care during the one-hour PLC late starts. How do I get information about local daycare?Information is available on our Auburn School District website: Child Care Options for PLC Late Start Mondays. We will update the website regularly.Is the additional daycare cost for parents who cannot alter their work schedule tax deductible or is there a relief budget set up to assist those parents for whom this additional cost is a hardship?The school district has identified child care providers who may offer scholarships, accept DSHS coupons or work on a sliding scale. A list of all child care providers in Auburn School District is available at Child Care Options for PLC Late Start Mondays. Parents also are encouraged to contact their student's school to determine if any before-school programs are being offered. Families should consult their tax professional to determine if the cost is tax deductible.Can I come and see what the teachers are doing during their PLC time?Yes. You may contact your student's principal to set up a visitation.Are there any additional costs to the district for this program and from which budget is it being paid?The Professional Learning Community (PLC) late start is cost neutral.Who monitors the programs to ensure that 100% of the meeting time is used for this program and not used for unrelated business?Principals at each school maintain the agendas and minutes from each of the PLC teams within their schools. These documents are also monitored at the district level and the school district has a system for measuring progress.Where can parents review information that demonstrates such programs have had an impact on student learning when used in other districts?All Things PLC www.allthingsplac.info identifies school districts that have used the PLC model to improve student learning.How will the district make up this time for students to comply with state requirements for attendance?The Auburn School District meets the requirements for attendance as established by the Washington State Board of Education.