• Media

    Using press releases and story ideas we maintain frequent contact with the media.
    The district website provides up-to-date information on school news and events for the community and parents to be able to easily access. It is updated daily and features a drop-down navigation menu system, “Quick Links,” a staff directory, district events calendar and more.
    Special Events and Recognitions
    Special activities to recognize staff and celebrate educational excellence are among the communications department’s responsibilities. The department also coordinates recognition of community volunteers.
    Inside Your Schools
    The district’s premier publication is published twice a year, in September and June. The publication focuses on teaching and learning, with highlights of new curriculum, academic awards, student and staff recognition, and parent and community involvement.
    The district calendar is published each summer for the following school year. The calendar lists school holidays and events and district policy information.
    Staff Links
    The district’s staff newsletter is published monthly during the school year and features the school board’s staff member of the month and other staff achievements. The publication also announces professional development opportunities and benefits information. To nominate a staff member for recognition, click -here- for the Staff Links Outstanding Staff nomination Google form.
    Other Publications
    The communications department also publishes an annual school report for each school, promotional materials and emergency brochures.
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