Updated COVID Guidance

The Centers for Disease Control and the Washington State Department of Health have updated their guidance for COVID-19 and other respiratory illnesses. The updated state guidance is here.

Below is a summary of the updates.

Individuals can go back to normal activities when both of the following have been true for at least 24 hours:

  • Symptoms are improving overall, AND
  • Fever-free without fever-reducing medication

It is important to remember that people can still be contagious for up to 10 days even when symptoms have improved. It is recommended individuals take extra precautions during the first 5 days of returning to normal activities after COVID-19, flu, RSV or other respiratory viruses.

As extra precautions, consider wearing a mask, frequently washing hands and physically distancing when possible. ASD Guidance and the Parent Guide have been updated to reflect these changes effective April 1.