ECE, Preschool Development
  • Our ECE program is an engaging preschool option designed to allow students with developmental delays from the Auburn community opportunities to play and learn alongside their tuition paying peers. Each class is taught by a special education teacher, and consists of rich, developmentally appropriate instruction in all areas of development (academics, social skills, self-help, communication, and fine/gross motor). Instruction is carefully designed to prepare all students for school success once they leave preschool.

    ECE classes are:

    • 4 days per week, Tuesday - Friday
    • 2 1/2 hours per day, with AM and PM sessions, at the following elementary schools:
      • Alpac
      • Arthur Jacobsen
      • Bowman Creek
      • Chinook
      • Dick Scobe
      • Evergreen Heights
      • Gildo Rey
      • Hazelwood (AM ECE, PM Extended Day)
      • Ilalko
      • Lakeland Hills (AM Extended Day, PM ECE)
      • Lake View
      • Lea Hill
      • Pioneer
      • Washington
      • Willow Crest

    Additional information:

    • There are 2 sessions of Extended Day programming for students who require additional services based on the theory of Applied Behavioral Analysis located at Hazelwood and Lakeland Hills Elementaries.
    • Family involvement and engagement is highly encouraged: there are monthly Family Community Connection events and many different ways to engage with your child's program. 
    • For registration, more information, or if you have concerns about your child not meeting developmental milestones, please call our office at (253) 931-4927.
      For more information on applying for the tuition based program, please see the tab on the left.