• Field Trips & Travel Web Banner - Kids on a field trip.

    The school district's process for travel and field trips can be categorized by three types. Field Trips, Staff (with or without students) Day trips, and Staff (with or without students) Overnight trips. For detailed information on how these categories are defined and their processes, please review the flow charts listed below.  If you have already determined which category your travel falls under, the trip request forms can be found further below on this page. 

  • Field Trip Application: 

    This form is required for a whole class or grade of students to be away from their normal classroom in order to attend an educational experience on a single-day.

    Field Trip Examples: Choir, Orchestra, Band, DECA, Jr. Achievement, White River Valley Museum, Mary Olson Farms, Zoo visits 

    • Submit 4 weeks prior to the field trip. 
    • Field trips are defined as travel away from school premises, under the supervision of a teacher, with an approved course of study, for the purpose of affording students a direct learning experience not available in the classroom.” ASD Policy No. 2320P 
    • Field trips that do not provide an approved course of study (i.e., going to the movies), or that expose students to unnecessary risk (i.e., Wild Waves) will be denied. 
    • If coverage is needed for students not participating in the trip, the teacher would need to make arrangements for those students not attending. 
    • Please be sure the form is filled out accurately and as completely as possible, including necessary substitutes and account numbers.

    After you have received approval for your trip and need to proceed with travel costs, follow the instructions outlined on the Business Office Purchasing web page. 

  • Staff Prior Release Travel Request: 

    This form is required for student day and overnight trips and all staff travel requests to be away from their normal building assignments. 

    Staff Prior Release Staff Only Examples: Conferences/seminars, professional development, team building activities. 

    Staff and Student Prior Release Examples: Athletics Competitions/tournaments, club activities, CTE competitions, AVID/Gear-up/College visits: 

    • All overnight travel involving students requires board approval. Staff trips out of WA state requires school board approval. (Exceptions for staff only: overnight in cities contiguous with Washington State: Portland, OR; Vancouver, BC; Coeur d’Alene, ID.) 
    • Submit 6 weeks prior to travel for trips requiring School Board approval with more time given for those trips involving the purchase of airline tickets and/or conference registration. District travel cards cannot be available to travelers until their trip has been approved by the school board and a Purchase Order has been submitted. 
    • Submit 4 weeks prior to travel for staff only in-state trips. Please note that district travel cards cannot be available to travelers until their trip has been approved by Department of School Programs and a Purchase Order has been submitted. 
    • Please be sure the form is filled accurately and as completely as possible including necessary substitutes and account numbers.