• Auburn School District Transportation


    We understand that Kindergarten can be a new and unfamiliar experience for a 5- or 6-year-old. It is our priority to make sure we make all students feel welcome and enjoy their busing experience. We created this information sheet in hopes of providing answers to some frequently asked questions before the first day of school.

    We encourage you to attend your student's school orientation. If you are unsure of when that is, please contact your student’s school. It is at this meeting that you will receive valuable busing information including your student’s bus assignment. Students will be routed per the information provided at registration. Please check that your daycare is within your school's boundary. Bus Drivers cannot change or add stops to their routes; all changes require research by the Transportation Department.

    All transportation routing information should be available for you to look up on our district’s website 2-3 weeks prior to the beginning of the school year https://www.auburn.wednet.edu/Page/420.

    For your student’s safety, an authorized adult/parent must be present to receive all kindergarten students from the bus. If no authorized adult/parent is present to receive a kindergartener, the student will be returned to their school. An authorized person would be anyone listed as an emergency contact. Please make sure that you list anyone you would like to be authorize with your student’s school. A note may be provided to the bus driver to authorize someone other than those listed as an emergency contact to receive the student. The note must include the name of the student, the name of the person authorized to receive the student, the time frame of this person’s authorization and be signed and dated by a parent/guardian. In an abundance of caution drivers may ask for verification of identification, please make sure that person brings photo identification with them when picking up the student.

    Auburn School District does not have designated kindergarten only busing. Kindergarten students are transported to and from school on buses that include K-5 grade levels. Kindergarteners that live in the walk area are not provided bussing.

    Kindergarten students who have been routed to a bus are provided a bus tag that is issued by the school. Please ensure that this tag is always attached to your student’s backpack. If your student does not have a tag or has lost their tag, please contact your student’s school so they can replace it.

    All Auburn School District students are required to be at the bus stop five minutes prior to their pickup time and parents meeting the bus should arrive at least five minutes prior to the drop off time. During the first few weeks of school, please plan on potential buses delays due to route adjustments and to allow our drivers the time needed to instruct students how to properly ride the school bus.

    If you have any questions about your student’s transportation, please feel free to reach out our office at 253.931.4938 and your child’s router would be happy to assist you.


    Together, we’ll make Kindergarten a great experience for your student.