- Auburn School District
- Human Resources Department Information
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Welcome to the Auburn School District’s Human Resources page and our team of dedicated HR professionals.Jon Young - Assistant SuperintendentChris Callaham - Executive DirectorAnalia Galloway - Director - Recruitment & RetentionLisa Connors - Assistant Director - Public Records & ComplianceChalea Zifka - Executive Assistant to the Assistant SuperintendentSarah Merryman - Auburn Riverside Strand - smerryman@auburn.wednet.eduserving Auburn Riverside HS, ALE, West Auburn, Mt. Baker, Alpac, Bowman Creek, Gildo Rey, Ilalko, Lakeland Hills, Student Special ServicesVitalina Dominguez - Auburn High Strand - vdominguez@auburn.wednet.eduserving Auburn High, Cascade, Olympic, Evergreen Heights, Chinook, Pioneer, Terminal Park, Washington, AdministratorsJenny Huntley - Auburn Mountainview Strand - jhuntley@auburn.wednet.eduserving Auburn Mountainview, Rainier, Arthur Jacobsen, Dick Scobee, Hazelwood, Lakeview, Lea Hill, Willow Crest, JPF Building, Newcomer centerValerie Burkhauser - Classified Strand - vburkhauser@auburn.wednet.eduSupport Services Center, Child Nutrition, Building Custodians, Transportation, ECEAP, Coaches, Miscellaneous Employees, Athletic Trainers, Theater, Campus SecurityFlor Rivera-Lopez - Recruitment Specialist - friveralopez@auburn.wednet.eduSupports Recruiting and HiringManages online applications, interviews and reference checksStudent Teacher Placement & CertificationRaquel Quirino - Substitute Coordinator & Workers Comp Specialist - rquirino@auburn.wednet.eduSupports Substitute ServicesSubstitute hiring, certifications and orientations for teachers, para-educators and clerical staffWorker's Comp ClaimsCindi Battram - Leaves Specialist - cbattram@auburn.wednet.eduE-mail: HumanResources@auburn.wednet.edu