• Instructions to Request Clock Hours Online


    • Log In
      Visit pdEnroller Clock Hours and log in. If you aren’t already logged in, you’ll be prompted to do so.
    • Enter the Claim Code
      Type in the Clock Hour Claim Code for your class(es) you received via email.
    • Find Event
      Click Find Event.
    • Claim Hours
      Enter the number of hours you attended in the “Hours Attended” field.
    • Affirm Your Claim
      Agree to the affidavit by checking the box next to “I swear/affirm….” Then click Submit Clock Hours.*
    • Update Profile
      Ensure your Profile is current by selecting Update my Profile in the upper right corner.
    • Complete the Checklist
      Go through the Clock Hours Checklist.
    • Attendance Verification
      The district will bulk verify your attendance and submit your claim for clock hours as inputted by you. You will receive an email confirming the class is on your clock-hour transcript after verification. Please allow up to 30 days for verification.  Once verified, the district is unable to modify if the input is incorrect. 


    *Important Notice:

    By submitting your clock hour claim code, you are swearing/affirming that you earned the clock hours you designated based on actual attendance at this in-service and that you are not also applying for college/university credit for this course. You also certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that the information provided is true and correct.  It is your responsibility to accurately submit the hours you earned. Intentional misrepresentation of a material fact in this submission may subject the certificate holder to revocation of their certificate, pursuant to Chapter 181-85 WAC.




    Note: Your clock hours earned in pdEnroller can be automatically uploaded to E-Certification the night all clock hour processing steps have been completed. This includes completing the clock hour survey, and having attendance verified. To link your E-Certification account to pdEnroller, click the following link: https://www.pdenroller.org/ecert