• How to Request Pay for Training

    If you need to submit a pay request for training completed outside your workday for:

    • Paraeducator Certificate Program

    Please note: If you are an instructional K-12 Paraeducator and you have not yet completed FCS or General Certificate, HR will pay out of the state-allocated hours first, if available. Once you have reached the allowable number of hours for the school year**, HR will pay out of your bargained Professional Development hours, if available. 

    • Professional Development (formerly Inservice hours)
    • AAEOP Flex hours (in lieu of PD hours)

    Please use the link below to complete the ASD PD Pay Form via Informed K12. 

    If you have any questions, please contact Human Resources.

    Please note: This form is not to request pay for extra hours. 


    ASD PD Pay Form


    **State-funded Hours:

    28 hours for Paraeducators hired in the current school year to complete FCS

    14 hours every school year thereafter to complete FCS and/or General Certificate