• Tech Levy 2020

    Recommendations to the Board of Directors:


    Levy Ad hoc Committee:

    The 2020 Tech Levy Ad hoc committee was formed to provide input on a recommendation to the Board of Directors for the replacement 2020 Technology Levy. The committee is charged with sustaining the progress of the 2014 Levy including infrastructure development, implementation of 1:1 access for students, and capital projects support, then considering any recommended additions aligned with the district strategic plans and priorities.

    The committee is made up of ASD administrators, teachers, classified staff, parents, and community members.

    Membership Roster


    June 5, 2019

    June 19, 2019

    August 15, 2019

    September 17, 2019

    Tech Levy Survey

    The Technology Levy Ad hoc Committee invited families, students, and staff to provide their input on goals and priorities for spending. The survey closed Friday, September 13. Thank you for your valuable input.

    Levy Background Resources:

    2014 Tech Levy Auburn SD Accomplishments

    Tech Levy Infrastructure Dashboard