- Auburn School District
- Department of Technology
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- School Technical Support
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Department of Technology
- Technology for Families
- Multi Factor Authentication (MFA)/Duo Mobile
- Technology Levy
- Chromebook 1:1 Take Home
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- Acceptable Use Procedures for Electronic Resources
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- Intern Training Program
At elementary schools and in Student Special Services, Building Technology Coordinators serve as liaison between district and school staff to support the technology goals of the district. They coordinate and communicate the implementation of the district technology plan and annual technology refresh plans. BTCs provide initial support to school staff for technology-related problems, advancing technical needs to the Department of Technology as appropriate.
At middle schools and West Auburn, 1:1 Tech Coordinators support the implementation of 1:1 take-home technology in grades 6-12. Technology Support Specialists provide part-time direct support to staff and students, solve hardware/software problems, and coordinate repairs. Additionally, they lead implementation of the annual technology refresh plans at their sites, manage accounts, software and hardware resources.
At the comprehensive high schools, Technology Support Specialists, provide full-time direct support to staff and students, solve hardware/software problems, and coordinate repairs. Additionally, they lead implementation of the annual technology refresh plans at their sites, manage accounts, software and hardware resources.
Alpac Leanne Raybuck lraybuck@auburn.wednet.edu Alpac DeAnn Johnson Arthur Jacobsen Erica Covey ecovey@auburn.wednet.edu Arthur Jacobsen Melissa Cox mcox@auburn.wednet.edu Bowman Creek Danette Wate Chinook Beth Radcliff bradcliff@auburn.wednet.edu Dick Scobee Tanya Khryukin Dick Scobee Victoria Kochubey Evergreen Heights Su Wolf Gildo Rey
Gildo Rey
Shelly Husar
Rachel Thorn
Hazelwood Scott Wickstrom swickstrom@auburn.wednet.edu Ilalko Tamami Womack twomack@auburn.wednet.edu Lake View Mike Fettig mfettig@auburn.wednet.edu Lakeland Hills Christine Lee clee@auburn.wednet.edu Lakeland Hills Michelle Hupperten mhupperten@auburn.wednet.edu Lea Hill Leigh Shelnut lshelnutt@auburn.wednet.edu Lea Hill Liz Ray eray@auburn.wednet.edu Pioneer Jessica Prochaska Pioneer Sue Benes sbenes@auburn.wednet.edu Terminal Park Chris Williams cwilliams@auburn.wednet.edu Washington Djeneba Toure-Burke dtoure-burke@auburn.wednet.edu Willow Crest Nicole Vannatter NVannatter@auburn.wednet.edu MIDDLE/HIGH SCHOOLS Cascade 1:1 Coordinator Tina Thomsen cthomsen@auburn.wednet.edu Cascade TSS Sunshine Merritt smerritt@auburn.wednet.edu Mt. Baker 1:1 Coordinator Art Spencer aspencer@auburn.wednet.edu Mt. Baker TSS Earnest Bolton ebolton@auburn.wednet.edu Olympic 1:1 Coordinator Becky Blosser rblosser@auburn.wednet.edu Olympic TSS Earnest Bolton ebolton@auburn.wednet.edu Rainier 1:1 Coordinator Pam Grad pgrad@auburn.wednet.edu Rainier TSS Sunshine Merritt smerritt@auburn.wednet.edu West Auburn 1:1
Alex Quirino COMPREHENSIVE HIGH SCHOOL TSS Auburn High Jaden Hassell jhassell@auburn.wednet.edu Auburn Mountainview Bryan Smethers bsmethers@auburn.wednet.edu Auburn Riverside Jessamyn Curtin jcurtin@auburn.wednet.edu SPECIAL SERVICES Student Special Services Debra White dwhite@auburn.wednet.edu